
Bidding Condition

Bidding in the final minutes and seconds should be avoided in the bidders own interest. Neither Heritage Auctioneers nor Service Provider will be responsible for any failure/lapse (Power failure, Internet failure etc.) on the part of the vendor. In order to prevent such contingent situation bidders are requested to make all the necessary arrangements/alternatives such as backup power supply etc required so that they are able to prevent such situation and continue to participate in the auction successfully.

It is the users responsibility to comply with the system requirements such as hardware, software, Internet connectivity at user premises to access the Heritage Auctioneers eBid Online Auction Portal.

Auctioneer cannot, and will not, be held responsible for any interruption in service, errors, and/or omissions, caused by any means and does not guarantee continual, uninterrupted or error free service or use of the Site. Bidder acknowledges that this auction is conducted electronically and relies on hardware and software that may malfunction without warning. The Auctioneer, in its sole discretion, may void any sale, temporarily suspend bidding and re-sell any item/lots that were affected by any malfunction. The decision of the Auctioneer is final.

Under any circumstances, Heritage Auctioneers shall not be liable to the users for any direct or indirect loss incurred by them or damages caused to them arising out of the following :-
i)  Incorrect use of the Heritage Auctioneers eBid Online Auction Portal, or;
ii) Internet Connectivity failures in respect of the equipments used by the Users or by the Internet Service Providers, or;
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Registration Procedure For Estate Agents

10 March, 2023 @ 03:35am
Notice to real estate agents who wish to register directly with us.

We would like to remind all registered real estate agents to take their registration with us seriously. It is crucial that you adhere to the following procedures:
1. Please

Bidding Condition

27 December, 2021 @ 12:11am
Bidding in the final minutes and seconds should be avoided in the bidders own interest. Neither Heritage Auctioneers nor Service Provider will be responsible for any failure/lapse (Power failure, Internet failure etc.) on the part of the v

Terma Bidaan

28 December, 2021 @ 12:13pm
Bidaan pada minit dan saat akhir harus dielakkan. Pihak Heritage Auctioneers serta "Servis Provider" tidak akan bertanggungjawab atas sebarang kerosakan / slip sementara (kerosakan kuasa, kerosakan Internet dll.) di pihak vendor. Pembida dimi